Luke Bencie, Managing Director of SMI is pleased to announce new educational resources for current and aspiring Global Security Consultants!
This online training program provides subscribers with the advanced advice and newsletters to grow your Global Security Consulting Business.
Could you use an extra quarter-million in sales? Or are you just getting started and looking to make your first 250K? If so, the Zero to $250,000 Video Series is a great way for you to accelerate your income in the new year. This video series provides a step-by-step process for generating multiple streams of consulting revenue.
This online training program provides subscribers with a 12-video lecture series on how to take their international consulting business to an entirely new level of success. Two-Day Global Security Consulting University Seminar This two-day seminar is like your own exclusive MBA program… only stripped down to the most essential elements of global security consulting. In addition to Luke Bencie, numerous other subject matter experts will instruct you on the finer points of growing your international consultancy.
8000 Towers Crescent Dr.
Suite 1350, Vienna,
VA 22182 United States
Telephone : (703) 893-8000